Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ben Kopilow - Stock Photography.

This weeks lesson was based on the stock photography side of Ben Kopilow's photographic practice.

* Get to work for yourself
* Freedom lifestyle (Shoot when you want)
* No difficult clients to deal with

* Patchy income/stream/cash-flow
* Need a good agent -> Who take 50% cut of the income
* Hard to break into an established agent
* To make it big, need constant fresh input

Licensing models:
$1 downloads-> make your money on sheer volume
Royalty free -> Usually based on resolution =$50 - $500
Rights managed -> based on usage - Higher returns!

Basically stock photographer would be a good on the side job doing the $1 download volume income thing, however if you want to make a career just out of stock photography, you have to be willing to follow the trends of what people are wanting, take a high turnover of images and know what people are looking for.